What does it take to be HAPPY
Many times its simple... food, sleep, nature, a good cup of coffee
or a good conversation with a
good friend or a kiss from the puppy.
But what does it take to be TRULY happy with ones self & ones life ????
Last night I admitted openly to Aeon, that I was HAPPY.
That for me is a big thing!
I've found my heart so open, and full of love and HAPPY. Its interesting when you realize that your truly happy!!!! With your life, with your partner, with where you are at a certain point in your life. It's B E A U T I F U L ~~~ I'm so excited to share this love and beauty with Aeon. Each day, we tell each other how we feel, that we love one another. But those words sometimes don't cut it. The words I love you don't come close to scratching the surface of what we share and the energy between us.
I wanted to simply put it out there to the world ... that I've found peace here in Las Vegas and I'm working to put some roots down. With Aeon, with friends and with work.
This is a new step in a positive direction and I'm looking forward to the years to come with Aeon & Walter (the puppy) ....
Live ~ Life ~ Love
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